Caring For a Mature Dog

Caring For a Mature Dog

Guest Author Dog Training


There is more to caring for a mature dog than you might think. Here you will learn about some of the things you should take into account if your “best friend” is into middle age.


Your faithful friend has been with you for quite a few years now and is just starting to show a little bit of age. Nothing serious, and there are still many miles left on the clock, but should you start to treat your dog differently. Here are a few ideas to help you prolong your dog's active life

Changes in Older Dogs

As a dog matures its hearing and vision, can become impaired also the ability to smell and taste can be affected.

Problems with the digestive system of older dogs are common. Poor dental hygiene can prevent the food from being processed properly before it enters the digestive system. Infections in the mouth can cause a buildup of toxins in the body resulting in digestive upsets which cause diarrhea and vomiting.

Joints and muscles can ache preventing the dog from getting around as nimbly as before. It will probably need less exercise. Where once, your dog were eager to chase a ball or Frisbee, a sedate walk may now be sufficient.

In older dogs the efficiency of the lungs decreases causing less oxygen to enter the body. Oxygen is essential for the renewal of body cells so older dogs can be more likely to develop respiratory infections.

Older dogs are more inclined to become stressed. Changes in routine or diet can contribute to this as well as illness and neglect. If there are young children in the house help them to understand that your dog needs some peace and quiet and cannot be expected to play as a puppy would play.


Is There Any Action You Can Take?


 You bet there is.   A good quality balanced diet with special vitamin supplements and regular gentle exercise can be of vital important to prolonging an active healthy life for your dog.


Feeding Older dogs

As dogs get older, nutritional needs change. In general, they need fewer calories and may also require other changes to their diet especially if they are starting to develop any illness associated with ageing (such as kidney or heart disease). Your vet will be able to advice regarding specific illness but, in general, you need to feed less food and should consider changing to a complete food specifically for older dogs.

This is a time when you will need to watch your dog’s weight carefully to prevent middle age spread! Older dogs should not be any fatter than young adults. Because they are more prone to arthritis and other conditions, being overweight is very bad for the older dog.

Giving your dog treats during the day, especially as a reward for good behavior or training is good, however, remember to compensate by slightly reducing the quantity of the main meals each day.

Don't change your dog's diet suddenly; consult your vet for the ideal food and any supplements needed for older dogs.


Preventing Arthritis

Feeding your dog a good quality balanced diet will go a long way towards reducing the risk of arthritis. Try to find a feed that contains a natural source of Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate which provide the body with necessary nutrients for cartilage repair and function. Such food usually also contains antioxidants to encourage a strong healthy immune system.


Remember try to keep your dog at an ideal weight. Arthritis is much more of a problem in obese pets. If your dog is overweight a strict diet can be beneficial by helping to reduce the workload on the bones and joints but check with your vet as how to achieve a healthy weight reduction.


Dealing With Arthritis

Like us, dogs are at risk of developing joint problems- especially arthritis. This is more prevalent in some breeds such as Labrador retrievers, German shepherd dogs, Golden retrievers, and Rottweiler’s.


When dogs have arthritis they display symptoms such as being less active, have trouble getting up or lying down, they are reluctant to climb/descend stairs, or they become lame. Some dogs become much slower when they move around.



Exercise for Arthritic Dogs.

Provide moderate amounts of exercise daily. Modest exercise can actually help some dogs by strengthening muscles and ligaments thus reducing the potential and risk of injury. With arthritis special care is needed, so check with your vet, who will recommend an appropriate exercise program.


Helping a dog with joint problems

Slip-free Flooring. Hardwood and tile floors are slippery and can be very difficult for dogs with arthritis to navigate. Strategic placement of carpet and/or rugs will help secure your dog's footing. This can help prevent him from slipping and injuring himself - cheaper than a vet's bill


Soft bedding can help support the bones and joints, making your pet more comfortable. This can be especially important in thin dogs in which bony prominences are likely to rub on hard surfaces. Some beds are made especially for dogs with arthritis, such as water-beds, hammock beds, and beds with plenty of extra cushions.


More General Tips

 1)  Your dog may need a little extra grooming to help maintain a healthy coat and skin


 2) Older dogs need to be kept inside where it's warm at night and not left outside to face the elements.


 3) Usually the changes, as a dog gets older, are gradual but it's important to be aware of these changes as soon as possible because early diagnosis and treatment can prolong your dog's ability to have a good quality active life well into old age. Regular physical and dental checkups by your veterinarian can keep a look out for ailments that can occur at this time in their life.

 4) Dog training is still important to keep your dog interested and alert


I hope these suggestions help you and your dog.


Need More Help?

If you would like more information about caring for your dog please visit:

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