Chinese Crested Dog Breed

Chinese Crested Dog Breed

The Chinese Crested makes everyone stop and take notice. The crest in their name refers to the bloom of hair they have on top of their head. The American Kennel Club (AKC) has just ranked the Chinese Crested number 55 out of over 160 dogs on their "Most Popular Dogs" list.

The Chinese Crested Dog Breed have more ugliest dog contest than any other breed.  The beautiful Gipsy Rose Leigh brought Crested breed to fame, most breeds in the United States can be traced back to her.

Some believe that the Chinese Crested is a cousin of the Xoloitzcuinite and the Chihuahua dating back to the Aztec and other believe that the Chinese Merchants discovered these dogs on the ports in Africa and began trading them around the world.

The dog was made famous for going out on the ships with the Chinese merchants and keeping down the rat population. Their hairless skin means fewer hiding places for fleas and dirt to tag along. The Chinese Crested is in the toy class and have low exercise requirements but they do require sun screen during the summer and a nice little sweater during the winter.

Chinese Crested Hairless Dog Characteristics

The Crested are full of energy, charming and a loyal companion. They bound quickly and are very easily trained.

They are very small dogs not more than 12 inches in height and weight less than 10 pounds. Their little legs look like sticks they are so small. All though the little dog can gain weight and need a well balanced diet.

Provide Extra Skin Care in the winter so their skin will not dry out and extra sun block in the summer to prevent sun burning.

Unlike most dogs they have sweat glands and do not pant to regulate their temperature.

Some other names for the breed are Chien, Chinesischer Schopfhund, Perro crestado chino, Perro Crestado de China, Hiina Harjaskoera, and Kiinanharjakoira.

The Chinese Crested comes in two varieties which are Hairless and Powder Puff with veil coat.


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