Sensible Families Loving Sensible Dogs

Sensible Families Loving Sensible Dogs

Sensible Families Loving Sensible DogsThe love affair with dogs is ageless, ask any dog lover of any age, and they will most certainly tell you their dog is another member of the family. 

We dog lover’s devotedly commitment 10 to 15 years of our lives to our loving dog companions; it’s no surprise that dogs are on our beds and on our sofas, or that we squeak doggy toys as we tip toe to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

Let’s not forget the dog training crates we have tucked away in the laundry room or the special collar and leash hanging by the door. On rare occasion we dog people have been known to let slide the accidental poop we squish between our toes at 2:00 in the morning. “I know you have been there.”

We love them as much as they love us. In fact, I believe the affairs stay alive because of the dogs’ enormous capacity for unconditional love for the family. Dogs’ have proven to be loyal, good communicators, awesome listeners and have the capacity for memory, and dogs have the ability to understand someone else’s point of view. Our dogs are true masters at nonverbal communication. I have heard many dog lovers’ say “my dog understands me better than anyone”.

Our dogs just want to be at our side prancing around, and wagging their tails, never caring how we look or how we feel; we can be sad, happy, or angry; it does not matter our dogs’ want to be at our side. What a sensible dog that is.

The relationship that we build with our dog friends begins the moment they come into our lives and never stops growing.  It is only the beginning. Our dogs can help us chill-lax, or bring a needed laugh with their doggy antics. Our dogs encourage us to stay active and scientific evidence has proven dogs can lower our blood pressure. It’s sensible to say that our dogs meet needs that no one else can.

The fabulous benefits of dog families learning about their dogs goes further than the sensible care of our dog friends. Together a family will be learning lessons on respect, responsibility, love, and compassion toward their dogs. Kids and adults who learn and practice being gentle, kind, loving, patient, forgiving and generous with dogs naturally extend those feelings to others as well. (1Corinthians 13)

It is sensible living for our dogs, and sensible living for our dog loving families.


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